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In the hustle and bustle of the real world, the magic of summer camp might seem a bit RIDICULOUS to some. They might question the appeal of dancing for no reason, playing in the rain, and living without smartphones. But for those of us at Camp Highlander, this is the best life ever, filled with experiences and lessons that are far from ordinary. They are magical!

At camp, we embrace the joys of simplicity and the power of community. Here, friendships are forged in the glow of campfires and the thrill of adventure. We laugh until our sides hurt, cheer each other on in every activity, and create memories that outshine any screen. The real world may offer its conveniences, but it often lacks the raw, UNFILTERED JOY that camp life provides.

Today, I was very aware of the dwindling days of this joy…this community…this beautiful life we call Camp Highlander. Today was a day of many “last” times for the summer of 2024…our last laundry day, our last camper’s choice day, our last full day of activities, our last cupid shuffle in the dining hall, our last dinner as cabin groups, even the last day to shop at the camp store. The last days are the best days and the hardest days. While we soak up every moment, we are very aware that the end is near, and we are sad to let go of the amazing world we know and love!

Just around the corner, we see the real world…school…studying…team sports… the pressures of social media and cell phones. They are all waiting for us when we leave this place like no other! While the real world might scoff at the idea of dancing in the rain, dressing up in goofy costumes and making a fool of ourselves, at camp these moments are what make life extraordinary. The absence of digital distractions means we have connected on a deeper level, sharing our stories and dreams face-to-face. This has been an experience that we don’t want to end, and a journey we will cherish forever.

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We have had the most amazing session. Rain or shine, the love that your kids have for camp and one another is incredible. Bryan and I want to thank you for sharing your precious children with us. Session C has been truly magical. The smiles, hugs and high fives from your children have meant more to us than they will ever know. Their love for this mountain and their Highlander family has been a daily inspiration and a gift to us. We can’t believe that the summer is ending, but we can’t wait to do it all again in 2025!

This is my last blog for the session…for the summer. I can’t believe it! I want to enjoy every moment with your children tomorrow! Thank you for your support of Camp Highlander and for connecting with us on this blog each day.

Our hearts are full of gratitude and SO MUCH LOVE for you!

Tomorrow we will:

  • take our panoramic photo
  • enjoy popsicles on a warm summer’s day
  • pack up in the morning
  • enjoy dancing in the dining hall at lunch
  • wake up from rest hour to the surprise of the Dolly’s Trolley (SHHHH!!!)
  • have an awards ceremony
  • eat a delicious banquet dinner
  • enjoy one final campfire of session C and the summer
  • and fall asleep dreaming of the summer of 2025

Favorite Details of The Day

  • Reflect at the Rock: Today at Reflect, Emma, our Rafting activity counselor, talked to us about embracing the end. Today was our last day of activities, and this morning she reminded us to savor every moment. We are all tired from Color War, the session is almost over, but in a few days after we’ve slept and rested, we will be missing camp. We will wish we had one more day with our friends. Today was that day! Emma reminded us not to waste it! After reflect, the first tears started to fall…goodbye is never easy!
  • Meals: For breakfast today we had blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs, sausage links, oatmeal, grits and a fruit bar. For lunch we had chicken quesadillas, homemade guacamole, chips and salsa, a sandwich and a salad bar. Tonight for dinner we had steak frites - Michael’s delicious flank steak, seasoned steak fries, french green beans and a salad bar. When the disco ball went off, we all hopped up to dance the cupid shuffle before enjoying our Oreo cookie ice cream sandwiches! YUM!
  • Weather: We had wonderful weather here today! It was a day of sunshine and only a little drizzle during dinner tonight! We are so grateful!
  • EP: Tonight was Rockin with the ACs! I love this EP! It’s so fun to see the cabins make up a dance or lip sync routine with their favorite AC or staff member from the summer. We had Garfield, Annie, Rocky and more! This was the last moment on stage for our campers to shine, and they definitely did! It was fantastic!

See you on Tuesday!

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