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This morning was the final half day of Color War 2024. Due to the rain, we made up a few activities this morning at 10:00 am that were followed by the final program of Color War. The final program includes a play, a plaque and a song that is presented to the opposing team and the Green Giants. The final programs never cease to amaze me. In three days, these staff write, cast, direct and design the set for a short play. The Green Giants give a theme to the teams each summer, and the program is supposed to be consistent with that theme. This year’s theme was “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.”

The plays for both teams were fantastic! I am in awe of how talented our staff and campers are and what they are capable of accomplishing. They messages were creative, thoughtful, funny and just simply very entertaining. I was impressed that neither of the plays tried to mimic Toy Story or use those iconic characters, instead they both took the idea and made it relevant to your children and to camp. I found myself tearing up during these performances as I watched these campers pour out their heart and soul for their team. It was the perfect way to close this competition and the incredible three and a half days we’ve shared!

After all the points for competitions, evening programs and our final program were tallied, the Red Dragons were named the winners of Color War 2024. It was a great war, a fair match and a nail biter until the very end. I am so very proud of each and every one of our campers and staff members for their hard work and dedication to their team and to the legacy of Color War. I can’t wait to do it all again next summer!

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After a long Color War, everyone was in need of some R&R. We enjoyed a two-hour rest hour, and then we gathered in the gym for a movie…Toy Story, of course! The Pelican’s Snoball truck came and cooled us all off with a yummy cold treat! Everyone was so excited! After an easy and relaxed afternoon, we kicked up the energy for our EP with square dance, which did not disappoint! This was the most energetic and fun square dance I think we’ve had all summer! The campers and staff were SO HAPPY, and my heart is so full! It has been an incredible session, but I felt a touch of sadness tonight realizing how little time we have left. Time is passing too quickly, but we choose to embrace it, to make each moment count, so tonight we danced like no one was watching!

Favorite Details of The Day

  • Meals: For breakfast today we had cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, sausage links, oatmeal, grits and a fruit bar. For lunch we had grilled chicken club sandwiches, sweet potato fries, a sandwich and a salad bar. Tonight for dinner we had a giant pizza party…Papa Johns and a salad bar!
  • Weather: We had great weather today - sunshine and NO RAIN! There were a few clouds that came around lunch, but they cooled down the cabins for our much needed two hour rest hour!
  • EP: Tonight we enjoyed our last square dance of the summer, and it was amazing! The smiles, the laughter and the joy on every face in the Gillespie gymnasium said it all…we don’t want all this to end…the joy, the laughter, the dancing, the friendships and the smiles.
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