Since we first opened our gates back in 1957, we’ve enjoyed roughly 3,528 days of summer camp.
That’s 3,528 blank slates of possibility. 3,528 unique adventures. 3,528 individual opportunities to create lifelong memories.
Or, quite simply, 3,528 days to build one incredible legacy.
And whether you were here for the first day, the last day, or a bunch of days inbetween, you are forever part of that legacy. Your personal Highlander story, from your very first summer at camp to your last, is an integral part of THE Highlander story. And the beautiful thing about the legacy of Camp Highlander is that it leaves a lasting impact on anybody who has experienced it. Sure, we grow up, we move on, we leave camp … but camp never really leaves us. The lessons learned, the moments shared, and the friendships made remain with us through the years.

But while we think it’s wonderful that camp leaves its mark on each and every one of us, we want you to be able to leave your mark on camp as well. Our Assembly Court was recently renovated with brick pathways, stone steps and benches, and even newly planted trees that can all be purchased and dedicated in your name. Through engraved messages or accompanying plaques, you can forever commemorate a special person or camp experience, a favorite cabin, a group of friends, your color war team, or the meaning camp holds in your heart. Think of it as a lasting love letter, given from you to camp, celebrating both the impact camp has made in your life and the part you’ve played in the legacy we all share.
It’s about all of us, the Camp Highlander family, who have explored these mountains and walked these trails and slept under these stars. It’s about each of us forever leaving our own mark on the legacy of Camp Highlander. Because a legacy isn’t much of a legacy without the people who made it all possible. We love you and can’t wait to celebrate with you.
Memorial Cobble Stone: $100
To join in the effort and leave your mark with the Legacy Project,