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Today is International Friendship Day, and there is no better place to celebrate friendship than at camp! Camp friends really are the BEST friends, and camper’s choice is the best way to spend time with your best friends at camp.

We had a fantastic day at camp today! We slept in today and everyone enjoyed yummy donuts before we headed out for camper’s choice today! I absolutely loved watching your children laugh, skip, sing and dance their way through activities. Today they chose their favorite activities that they wanted to do and their favorite people they wanted to be with. Their love for camp and their friends is life-giving to me, and I find myself wishing that time would just stop so these precious moments would not end.

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As we head towards the real world in a few days, I am dreading the noise that we have managed to escape from for the summer…facebook, instagram, news, social media and “keeping up with the Jones’.” At camp, we value the present moment…the people…the adventure before us. This in itself is a huge gift that we often take for granted, until it’s gone.

I am so grateful that your children have been given this time to escape the pressures of the world and embrace the gift of being present with real friends and having real fun. Camp is the one place that allows kids the excuse to not be on social media, snapchat or instagram, documenting and updating the world on the daily happenings of life. Here our worth is not defined by the number of followers we have on TikTok, our friends on Snapchat or the likes we have on instagram. Being liked at camp is not based on appearances and there is no need for filters. Camp gives us permission to just be and be loved! This is true friendship!

The past two weeks in our cabins, if captured on snapchat, would leave everyone feeling jealous of the amazing friendships and adventures we have shared, but that is not our intent. The laughs, the inside jokes and the incredilbe memories are what camp is all about…they cannot be topped, they cannot be summed up in a post…these moments have to be experienced and will be replayed in our hearts for many years to come,the old fashioned way, because these memories with the best of friends will never fade.

Favorite Details of the Day

  • Meals: Breakfast was Krispy Kreme donuts, scrambled eggs, sausage links and a fruit bar. For lunch we had fried chicken sandwiches, waffle fries and a salad bar. For dinner we had a Papa John’s pizza with veggies and hummus and ranch.
  • Weather: Today was an overcast day, but we all appreciated that it was slightly cooler on camp than it has been all session. The rain started during dinner, and
  • EP: Tonight’s EP was Game Night. It was a very relaxed and easy going EP where cabins participated in various games like Bingo, Deal or No Deal, Jeopardy, Pictionary, Family Feud, Trivia and more.

There were many cabins and many campers that were super tired at dinner, so we made EP optional. Some cabins chose to go to bed early and get some more rest for our last day of camp tomorrow. As I mentioned yesterday, we have a virus that has been going around camp and saw more campers in the health hut today. If your child has a fever and we have put them in the health hut, we will call and notify you. We have tested some campers and they have been negative for COVID, strep and flu. The doctors at Urgent Care said it is just a virus that has to run it’s course. A huge shoutout to our Health Hut staff who are taking such great care of our campers. We love you Amber, Susie and Lisa!