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If someone asked you, “What’s the most valuable thing about attending summer camp?” What would your answer be?

Anyone who has attended (or worked) at camp knows there are plenty of possible answers to that question. However, thanks to the unbelievably unconventional summer of 2020, we now understand (perhaps more clearly than ever before) that the answer to the above question is one simple word: community.

Sure, the opportunities and experiences offered at camp help us develop courage, honesty, integrity, and faith.

And yes, the challenges of meeting new people, making new friends, facing new fears, and conquering new challenges help us become more confident, more resilient, more sociable, and more mature.

But above and beyond all of that, the deepest value of summer camp is the irreplaceable community it fosters.

YES we miss the thrills and adventures and triumphs of camp. YES we miss throwing epic Evening Program parties. YES we miss celebrating the 4th of July on Old Forge, YES we miss the intense chaos and excitement of Color War … and YES, we miss a million other things about camp.

But more than all of that, we miss YOU.

To those who have never experienced the love and wonder and magic of Camp Highlander, it would seem camp should be the least imporant community we enjoy because our time together is so short. But, as we’ve always known (and as we’re certainly experiencing this summer) camp is one of, if not the most authentic and impactful communities we belong to. As people, we are the truest versions of ourselves at camp. Our greatest fears and biggest weaknesses stand out just as clearly as our most amazing skills and inspiring strengths. Because of this sincerity and vulnerability, our camp community fuels us, encourages us, and equips us to handle ‘normal’ life outside of camp - even when we’re not together on our mountain home.

So, be encouraged and inspired by the lesson of this summer. Treasure your communities: your families, your friends, your neighbors, your classmates, your coworkers and, of course, your dear camp friends! Let go of things that don’t matter, enjoy every single connection you’re blessed to share with others and, just like you do at camp, make your community a better place by being part of it.