Camp offers many outlets for creativity for our campers. From arts activities to evening programs, every camper has the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents throughout their stay at Camp Highlander. Over the past ten years we have had a camp newspaper, The BLT (Blue Ridge Life and Times). This has been a wonderful way for our campers to express their thoughts about camp, get to interview key players in the camp story or entertain their peers with humor or art.

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In addition to the BLT, this year we have the WBLT which is a new video broadcast produced by our campers. The WBLT allows our campers to participate together as a creative team while still promoting individual talents and tackling all the challenges that this medium provides. Our campers have the opportunity to collaborate a story or an idea, as well as showcase their personalities. We use writers, actors, producers and a camera crew to promote the same goals of communication and creativity that we have always strived to instill with the BLT. We hope you enjoy the WBLT for Session C!

Favorite Details of the Day:

  • Reflect - Gaynell talked about a powerful 3 letter word - WIN. While most people measure success by winning, Gaynell’s father always told him that he could not lose if he was part of a team. Just as he finished his inspiring message, green smoke was released from the chimney of the Lodge. The campers were confused and excited, they didn’t know whether it was real or a fake break. Gaynell then said “Red and White, you are wound too tight. Listen now to what I have to say. Color War is coming, but it won’t be today.” While everyone was disappointed, this was a great way to build the suspense for the fun to come.
  • Meals - Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, bacon, eggs, fruit, yogurt, grits and oatmeal. Lunch was walking tacos and salad bar. Dinner was pot roast, vegetables, corn on the cob and salad bar. Dessert was ice cream sandwiches!
  • EP - Tonight we had a GIANT game of tag called Rainbow Tag. Each activity counselor was a color and the cabins had to catch the activity staff while all holding hands. As they caught them one by one, the activity counselor would put a colored marker line on their arm. Cabins were trying to get each color of the rainbow. The first cabin to complete the rainbow took home the EP trophy. The winner tonight was Cabin 9!
  • Weather - We woke up to a cool and clear morning. We had the most beautiful morning, and the rain hit us at rest hour and stopped for one period in the afternoon. The sunshine came out right before dinner, and everyone was so excited to be outside running for EP after a rainy afternoon. High today was 80 and low was 62.
  • Camper’s Choice Day was today! We had many campers complete their master in an activity for their Master of the Mills. It was a great day!
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