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“A father is a son’s first hero.” – Unknown

These days, families are busier than ever. With chaotic schedules packed with work, school, after school activities, social clubs, travel teams and so many commitments, fathers and sons are finding fewer opportunities to share quality one-on-one time together. Camp Highlander has the perfect solution that allows fathers and sons to bond in an incredibly unique and memorable way.

Father-Son Weekend at CH invites fathers and sons from all over the country to bond through fun and adventure. There’s no need for electronics or TV here! With action-packed activities like riflery, archery, canoeing, horseback riding and The Crow’s Nest – our brand new high-ropes course that resembles the mast of a pirate ship – you’ll both love having the chance to unplug and tune in to each other.

You’ll have the opportunity to explore western North Carolina through a fantastic off-site trip, enjoy our terrific evening programs and make s’mores around our campfire. Have a blast while bonding like never before!

The details of Father-Son Weekend include:

• Date: May 29-31, 2015
• Cost: $475.00 total for father and son, $150.00 for each additional son
• Value: The weekend includes meals, accommodations, an off-site trip, a commemorative t-shirt for father and son, and dozens of opportunities for fun and adventure!

Don’t miss your chance to connect with your son on a deeper level. Give him the gift of a special weekend that he’ll remember for a lifetime. Click here to register for Father-Son Weekend today!