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“Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.” -Mary Tyler Moore

We are born to make mistakes. No one is taught how to make a mess, we just know how to do it. In fact, we are typically better at making messes than we are at cleaning up. You should see the dining hall after a meal with 500 people at camp!

We are all responsible for cleaning our own mess in life. It is not going to clean itself. No one on earth is perfect, so we have all had our fair share of mistakes or we have made a mess or two.

Melissa encouraged us this morning that making a mistake is the best way for us to learn. If we don’t learn from the mess we make, we miss the opportunity to grow. Taking ownership of our mistakes is the CHIF thing to do. It takes courage to own up to your mistake. It takes honesty to admit when you are wrong. It takes integrity to do the right thing. And it takes faith to believe that cleaning your own mess will actually build your character.

And don’t forget, sometimes making a mess is just plain fun!