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“Play with enthusiasm and recklessness. Never be afraid to lose. If you win, great. If not, you will learn a valuable lesson. It is the competition of the game that should give you pleasure.” – Gus Tinsley

Gaynell shared with us this morning wise words of wisdom from his father, Gus Tinsley. Gus was the football coach at LSU, an All American football player and NFL player. Gaynell said, “I was lucky enough to have my dad, Coach Tinsley, as my life coach.”

Before every game or practice that Gaynell had as a kid, Gaynell’s dad and his grandfather would sit him down to discuss not about the value in winning, but about the value in what he could gain from the opportunity to play. These are the conversations that shaped our Director, Gaynell Tinsley, to the man he is today.

Gaynell said to our campers to remember that in life, we all want to win, of course. We should try our absolute best, of course. But the true pleasure is in the competition and actually playing game, enjoy what you do always!