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Because Camp Highlander was founded nearly 50 years ago, we have a vast community of alumni. Each month, we’ll spotlight one outstanding former camper or staff member who attributes some of their post-camp success to their experiences and lessons learned while at camp.

Russell Papineau has always loved working with children. As a Camp Highlander staff member for three summers, he brought smiles to the faces of many campers. Now, as a Development Officer for Operation Smile Inc., Papineau helps bring smiles to the faces of children around the globe.

A Virginia Beach native, Papineau moved around the country with his family due to his father’s position with the United States Navy. He was introduced to Camp Highlander through other staff members and felt he’d be a good fit for a staff position. He was right; Papineau worked at Highlander in 2004, 2006 and 2007 as a Riflery Specialist and as a Senior Counselor.

Papineau recalls how Highlander positively affected his life. “My time at Camp Highlander instilled a desire to really connect with the environment and people around me – to take a minute to enjoy the moment and my surroundings, and the fantastic people I was with,” he said.

Papineau’s favorite activity at Camp Highlander was the Blob, however, his experience in Color War left him with life skills that he still utilizes today. Prior to becoming a White Knight, Papineau heard stories about the excitement level on camp during Color War. “To be honest, when I first heard the Color War [stories] during my first A and B sessions, I couldn’t believe it would be that intense. It’s more intense!” Papineau added, “Color War is also a time when people get to showcase their hidden talents – sometimes talents that they haven’t discovered themselves. The spirit of Color War inspires everyone to do what he or she can for his or her team, regardless of difficulty or experience. Color War united the entire camp unlike any other activity. The team spirit affects 6-year-olds and 16-year-olds with the same intensity.”

Papineau has worked for Operation Smile for nearly four years. Operation Smile is the largest volunteer-based medical charity providing free cleft surgeries. As one of the most prominent charities for children in the world, Operation Smile works in over 60 countries to heal children’s smiles and bring hope for a better future.

Papineau started as an Operation Smile volunteer where he traveled to mission sites around the world to clinically photograph patients before and after surgery. One year later, he started a full-time role as a Program Coordinator building and leading teams of medical professionals to mission sites in Cambodia, the Philippines, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Brazil, Kenya, Rwanda, Venezuela, India and East Timor.

Papineau now works in Development to raise funds and build corporate partnerships for the charity to expand the programs and mission to other places in the world. “Whenever life gets stressful, I always think about my time at CH. Knowing it is still there and that others are still having those same amazing experiences always makes me feel grateful for my time there.”

Our Alumni Spotlight focuses on Camp Highlander alumni who have utilized skills learned at camp to excel in their adult life. If you — or someone you know — has gone on to achieve goals and can attribute some of that success to experiences at camp, please email your contact information and a brief summary to .